Frequently Asked Questions!

How can we be of assistance?

To become a member, who can join and what are the age requirements?

Any adult Kenyan (aged 18 years and above) living in Switzerland may apply to be a member of WISA as long us one has proved attachment to the purposes for the existence of the Association and is not a salaried employee of the Association.

How can I register for membership or how can one join?

Fill in the registration online or download manually and fill the form then email it to us at Email

How can one pay for the registration and subsequent monthly fees?

Registration of CHF 10 and CHF 10 monthly fees can be paid either by cash or bank transfer using the account information provided below

Bank Name: UBS 

IBAN: CH980027927910823101W 

Account n°: 108231.01W 

Clearing n°: 279 


UBS postal account no: 80-2-2

Can I still continue to be a member if I relocate to another country?

Sure! As long us you are registered and a paid-up member, you can maintain your membership with us.

How sure can one be, that their personal information is safe with WISA?

Be assured that your personal information is safe with us. We do not sell nor share it to third parties.

How can one have a post published in the WISA website?

For our paid-up members we can publish content free of charge but for non-members, we charge a small fee. Raised fees help our Association meet the cost associated with running of this website. Click Here to submit your request.
